terça-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2008

Corporate video

Motion-graphics donne by a friend Filipe.
Shot with a lightbox, transparencies and chinese black ink.

Partex Oil and Gas from randomthoughtpattern on Vimeo.

Robot evolution

Crazy robot from jose on Vimeo.

Work of a friend Vasco.

sábado, 13 de dezembro de 2008

Augmented Reality for Portugal Tecnológico 2009

Augmented Reality application done for Portugal Tecnológico 2009, picture right in the begining of the video.
Authores: José Dinis/ Pedro Cascais / Vasco Bila
For the agency Brainstorm.

terça-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2008

O Natal da Malta

This is a work done for a house production. In MovLab we only do the motion-capture for the animation.

See movie - YouTube

O Natal da Malta - O Pinheirinho de Natal

This is a work done for a house production. In MovLab we only do the motion-capture for the animation.

See movie - YouTube

terça-feira, 25 de novembro de 2008

Augmented Reality and Artificial Inteligence

A video from a friend were in Movlab, Vasco.
Its a Augmented Reality demo.

Augmented Reality and Artificial Inteligence from movlab on Vimeo.

Motion Capture (Making of)

A repeat but with better quality.

Motion Capture (Making of) from movlab on Vimeo.

Demystifying Motion Capture Technique

An article from FxGuide.com, about motion-capture.

"The VES recently held a Motion Capture event where a range of motion capture experts presented a snap shot of the state of the art in the industry, David Stripinis reports a personal perspective, from someone who works with it daily."

Demystifying Motion Capture Technique

domingo, 19 de outubro de 2008

Versão 2.0

Versão 2.0 - 23 de Outubro, 21.30
Teatro Aveirense, Sala Estúdio

Inês Negrão, Luís Mouta e Jorge Loura

Reais Jogos Virtuais / Real Virtual Games

Real Virtual Games (RVG) is a co-autored transdisciplinary project. An alternative hybrid embodied architecture for live and avatar inhabitants, RVG questions the immersive interfaces of videogames and social places (Second Life), in its deployment of handicapted (dis)embodiments.

Reais Jogos Virtuais

Mocap Session
MovLab, Universidade Lusofona
Lisboa, Julho 2008

Jorge Goncalves (Performer)
Ines Negrao (Performer)
Jose Maria Dinis (Mocap MovLab Technician)
Isabel Valverde (Artistic Director)

All material presented were is from the project web site.

segunda-feira, 6 de outubro de 2008

Movlab - Motion Capture - Dance

Motion Capture made in University Lusófona in the Movlab lab. Its was capture in a Vicon optical system with 8 cameras.

The render its plotted directly from Motionbuilder.

Thanks to Inês Negrão, the dancer.

Movlab - Motion Capture - Dance from movlab on Vimeo.

terça-feira, 23 de setembro de 2008


A cientific investigation project from University Lusofóna about animation and perception.

Infomedia Site

Infomedia - Mocap01

domingo, 31 de agosto de 2008

Riverside - 02 Panic Room

Riverside is a way of expressing reflections, dreams and fantasies through music. It is an idea for exposing emotions, for an escape from the grey or unnaturally overcoloured reality. It is music inspired by a time, a place, a thought and a word, a figment of their own and other people's imagination. It is joy and sadness, a whisper and a scream.


quarta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2008

Red Camera - 4K

Some testes with a Red Camera - 4K in University Lusófona:

Thanks to Evaldo de Brito


sexta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2008

Ephel Duath

Ok this is my first post about music, and to begin a great band (Ephel Duath) - with a great song (The Passage (Pearl Grey)):

sexta-feira, 1 de agosto de 2008

terça-feira, 29 de julho de 2008


Something that i really like: light+design+architecture+culture+...

"Light and electricity are the media of urban life. Today more than half of the humanity lives in towns. Quality of life depends on good use of lighting. The Luminale is a publicly accessible light laboratory to get to know more about light and lighting."


See this example:
Nuage Vert wins Ars Electronica Golden Nica

First 30 seconds of Green Cloud goes online from HeHe on Vimeo.

quarta-feira, 23 de julho de 2008

The Skrumps - Real-Time Puppeteering with Mocap

The project has been in active development as part of the company’s slate of animated television projects.
The characters have been developed with puppeteers and performed using the Henson Digital Performance Studio, the Company’s proprietary animation system that allows CG characters to be performed by puppeteers in real-time.

Motion Analysis

segunda-feira, 21 de julho de 2008

Motion capture animation (Making of)

A Mocap Animation made by Movlab, the mocap data isn`t cleaned, its ploted directly.

Thanks to Pedro and Gonçalo (the guys in the video) for all their time and help.

domingo, 6 de julho de 2008

The Freesound Project

A very interessing project and a great ideia:

The Freesound Project is a collaborative database of Creative Commons licensed sounds. Freesound focusses only on sound, not songs. This is what sets freesound apart from other splendid libraries like ccMixter. Read the What is Freesound page to learn more!


sábado, 28 de junho de 2008

Mini Trooper Capoeira

A mocap example without data cleaning. The subject was Vasco Bila. The model is from Olivier Couston (Dr.Jones) (http://www.scifi3d.com/list.asp?intGenreID=10&intCatID=13).

segunda-feira, 16 de junho de 2008

L.E.D. - Live Earth Data

A real-time work made width Pedro Cascais in Virtools.

domingo, 15 de junho de 2008

Mocap - How to

Two very good technical articles how to use the Vicon motion capture system:

Vicon Motion Capture Quick Guide

Motion Capture - Training Center

terça-feira, 27 de maio de 2008

Modifing a web cam to see infrared

Were are two tutorials explaining how to modify the Microsoft VX 6000 and XBox Live Vision web cams to see infrared:

VX 6000 Infrared Conversion

XBOX 360 Live Vision Infrared Conversion

terça-feira, 20 de maio de 2008

Markless full body motion capture

Recently Organic Motion announced a huge advance in motion capture at The Games Developers conference. The system is remarkable as it is the first markerless full body motion capture system.


quinta-feira, 15 de maio de 2008

Movlab Reel 2008

The reel from the Movlab Lab:


An university workgroup: Bruno Domingues, Constança Lobo, José Dinis and Rita Cerqueira.

domingo, 11 de maio de 2008


A vídeo made in 2006 for university.

sexta-feira, 2 de maio de 2008

Mocap Articles

In the Movlab Laboratory my main work is mocap capture, so there is 2 links with interessing information about this theme:


"The Vicon Toolkit is a framework for designing real time applications using the Vicon system. Vicon Toolkit provides samples in C++ and C#. This page has been created to provide a brief introduction to Vicon components, functionality, tutorials of use, and programming tips."

Brad's FIE Blog - Mocap Series

"I'm going to write a series of blog entries about optical motion capture and how it works. Knowing whats going on inside a mocap system can help an operator better utilize it. The series will focus on NaturalPoint's OptiTrack cameras and systems, with references to other mocap systems and ideas."

Thanks both authors for the good articles.

quinta-feira, 1 de maio de 2008

Multitouch Application

Multitouch developed by me and a friend in the Movlab Laboratory, our work:

Its a Difusse Illumination setup, with a VX 6000 web cam - Now with a XBox Live Vision Cam.

Dia 1

Bem vindos a todos, este é um blog que tem por objectivo dar a conhecer de tudo um pouco o que esteja relacionado com a multimédia mais na vertente da realidade virtual, área que particularmente gosto. Também a ideia é um pouco a criação de um portfólio particular.

Obrigado a todos que por aqui forem passando.